Monday, March 8, 2010

I'ma hit you in the head with a fryin' pan.

To my surprise, and the surprise of many of my friends, is still a running and working website. Fell free to visit it and give Penelope a shout. As you may already know, yesterday Amanda Bynes felt the need to personally block me from following her on Twitter. Jokes on her because I can still see her tweets, they just don't show up in my timeline. This makes me feel so much closer to the dancing lobsters on The Amanda Show. I may have to ask Penelope how I can improve my own Actual Amanda Website, please.
After quoting the movie Pineapple Express, stating her love for it, and by dating Kid Cudi, I think it's safe to say Amanda likes the ganj. You'd think she'd be a little less uptight, but maybe she should use redtube instead of youtube for stress relief. Still sort of in shock that I am personally hated by Amanda herself, I check her Twitter earlier than ever this morning, and discovered she had been tweeting consistently between the hours of approximately 11pm-5am. Is she crazy? I think that's already been answered, but I'd like to give a solid YES.


  1. hahaha omg THIS IS WHY I CAN'T FOLLOW HER.

  2. SAME. I want to follow her for the lols but I can't stand how much she tweets (especially the quotes and youtube videos jesusssss christ)

  3. does she not have a publicist?

    and yeah i had to remove her from my list too. TOO! MUCH! TRAINWRECK!

  4. This is the most hilarious thing ever
