Monday, March 8, 2010

I'ma hit you in the head with a fryin' pan.

To my surprise, and the surprise of many of my friends, is still a running and working website. Fell free to visit it and give Penelope a shout. As you may already know, yesterday Amanda Bynes felt the need to personally block me from following her on Twitter. Jokes on her because I can still see her tweets, they just don't show up in my timeline. This makes me feel so much closer to the dancing lobsters on The Amanda Show. I may have to ask Penelope how I can improve my own Actual Amanda Website, please.
After quoting the movie Pineapple Express, stating her love for it, and by dating Kid Cudi, I think it's safe to say Amanda likes the ganj. You'd think she'd be a little less uptight, but maybe she should use redtube instead of youtube for stress relief. Still sort of in shock that I am personally hated by Amanda herself, I check her Twitter earlier than ever this morning, and discovered she had been tweeting consistently between the hours of approximately 11pm-5am. Is she crazy? I think that's already been answered, but I'd like to give a solid YES.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have been officially blocked on Twitter. I am personally hated by Amanda Bynes.

Amanda Slimes

So we're all here, looking at this very blog, for one reason. Probably because I told you to. Well now comes the exciting part, where I tell you what my blog has in store for you. I created this in fear that Amanda Bynes might one day block me on Twitter if I keep yelling at her so much. I figured if I created this, she has no reason to block me on Twitter, and I can keep my posts about her at a maximum. The idea started after I stumbled upon her Twitter a little while back and instantly lost my shit laughing at her expense. The more I laughed at her expense, the less guilt I felt towards doing so. The less and less guilt I felt, the more and more this blog sounded fan-fucking-tastic. And that's how this came to be.
Now if you take a few seconds to even look at her first 5 tweets (, you will notice she has lost whatever life she may once have had. I think She's The Man was the last time I heard about her being in a movie, shouldn't she be doing something with her life? Hosting some Kids Awards? Oh wait, no, she's too busy stalking Kid Cudi. A pathetic life style she has succombed to. Posting videos like Beyonce's own Single Ladies, and blatantly quoting "If you like it then you should have put a ring on it". Or quoting our generations greatest musical influence, Kanye West, asking why a ~super special secret man in her life "became so Dr. Evil." Has she lost it? Did she have anything to lose to begin with? Her constant Rev Run retweets are just as annoying. I don't even need to follow Rev Run, I have Amanda Bynes to do it for me. Quoting all of these people will not make Cudi think you are a Down Ass Chick.
But on another note, Amanda's birthday is slowly approaching. What kind of things do you think are on her Birthday Wishlist?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

salamander please

So this is the story all about how Amanda Bynes turned upside down.

Czech this out for more information:

More later.